Success Stories

Brian Brewer Affiliate Marketing Top Secrets That Make Him a Great Marketer

Brian Brewer affiliate marketing secrets

This post may contain affiliate links for some products I might recommend. If you purchase anything through those links, I may earn a commission, which helps this blog run. Learn more in my privacy policy.

Whether you’re new to affiliate marketing or started posting on social media platforms like TikTok and Facebook Reels promoting other people’s products, you’ve probably come across Brian Brewer, a super affiliate marketer who generated over $1 million in sales with a single funnel.

Brian Brewer Two Comma Club Award and Car Award by ClickFunnels

In this article, I’ll share the Brian Brewer affiliate marketing best secrets that he shares only with his audience. But how do I know them? Because I’m an active member of his premium online course, Affiliate Escape Plan (AEP 2.0).

However, before we dive deeper into those affiliate marketing secrets, let’s see who Brian Brewer is, what he promotes, and his successful strategy.

Who is Brian Brewer?

Brian Brewer is a 7-figure affiliate marketer I’ve been following for over three years. I’m not going to bore you with his life story and how he quit his job thanks to affiliate marketing—you can watch the following video for that.

There are many people making lots of money with affiliate marketing. But what I like about Brian is that not only he’s a successful affiliate marketer, but he’s also a down-to-earth and simple guy (no flashy style). Most important, he’s honest about everything he shares.

As a member of his Affiliate Escape Plan course, I get the chance to talk to him live in our bi-weekly Zoom calls, where I can also meet other members as well. 

I’ve never encountered someone who can break down their own business game plan—every strategy, step, trick, approach, and gear—so plainly for others to copy. He lays everything bare for anyone willing to study and use what they’ve grasped.

What Affiliate Products is Brian Brewer Promoting?

Brian Brewer’s laptop lifestyle started by promoting Amazon products through blogging. Although he made some commissions, he didn’t find a way to monetize his blog efficiently. Soon after, he gave up his blog (I don’t blame him, as blogging is not for everyone, just like his current strategy is not for everyone either) and started a new strategy.

Promoting the eCommerce platform Shopify through YouTube videos and a Udemy course was his big breakthrough, which allowed him to quit his waiter job in 2016.

However, Brian Brewer saw massive success when he started promoting Legendary Marketer through his YouTube channel and short-form content platforms like TikTok, Facebook Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

But how is Legendary Marketer’s affiliate program different? What led Brian to David Sharpe’s Legendary Marketer was that he saw many internet marketer beginners seeing success. And that’s a sign the product works.

Here you can find an interview Brian did with David Sharpe.

Brian went all-in promoting this product, a 15 day challenge focused on building your online business, including the core principles millionaires use. Because Legendary Marketer offers a high-ticket commission structure for their affiliates, Brian could capitalize on his leads, allowing him to increase his affiliate commissions exponentially, ultimately leading to 7 figures.

Legendary Marketer 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge

More recently, Brian Brewer started promoting his premium course Affiliate Escape Plan, where he provides quality training anyone can start. This training covers everything from technical knowledge, mindset, affiliate marketing, finding the best products to promote, and all his strategy.

Yes, Brian blatantly shares his strategy for all to copy—you can literally clone it! But don’t get too excited—you must also put in the work and go through the training to implement the method that gives you the opportunity for a successful online business as an affiliate marketer (without having a website or a blog).

What is Brian Brewer’s Affiliate Marketing Top Secret?

Although I share Brian’s eight best secrets to affiliate marketing below, the top secret is the type of affiliate marketing you should choose.

Brian recommends promoting high-ticket affiliate products. High-ticket simply means you receive higher commissions, usually over $200 on each sale. But some may even pay you over $1000 on a single sale (like Legendary Marketer).

His online digital marketing journey led him to acquire a range of marketing skills. However, as you’ll soon see, high-ticket affiliate marketing is the way to go if you want to seriously make money online without a blog or a site dependent on Google rankings.

8 Brian Brewer Affiliate Marketing Secrets to Make Six-Figures

As soon as you’re on Brian’s email list, you’ll receive tips, inspiration, resources, growth hacking secrets, and more. 

In this section, I literally copy and paste eight of Brian’s affiliate marketing secrets. He used these principles to consistently generate several 100 thousand a year promoting other people’s products without spending money on ads. You’ll notice he’s promoting his own free course inside the emails.

Secret 1

If you try to start a traditional business, it is likely that you will get bogged down with too many moving parts…

I ran into this problem when I launched my Dropshipping store in 2015…

I thought higher margins (instead of affiliate commissions) would mean more money.  But in reality, customer service requests, shipping issues, refunds, and delayed orders overwhelmed me.

With affiliate marketing, you only have to focus on a small portion of business.

This means you only have to invest 20% of the time that it would normally take to start making money online…

Plus, you can get started today.

Take a look at this image:

Brian Brewer affiliate marketing secret one best business model

Every other business model has a fundamental flaw that makes it nearly impossible for beginners to scale…

The beginning isn’t bad because you can simply market products or services and start making sales…

But with “other business models,” the moment you start generating leads, you have to start taking valuable time away from your marketing…

This means your business starts dying before you can make enough revenue to hire…

Affiliate Marketing, on the other hand, leverages other existing businesses…

So not only can you start today…

You can scale without added pressure, stress, or responsibility.

That is why I believe everyone should start with affiliate marketing.

I’ll reveal secret #2 tomorrow morning…

In the meantime, if you want to skip ahead, click here to log in to the Free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge and go through lessons 1-8, which I have already created for you.


Secret 2: Go Where the Money Is

Go where the money is…

In affiliate marketing, there are 3 main “evergreen” niches…

  1. Health
  2. Relationships
  3. Wealth

Everything else is small potatoes and not worth your time…

☝️ This is where most new affiliates screw up when they learn about these 3 niches…

They think, “Well, I did the Keto diet for 3 weeks back in 2020…so maybe I should promote a Keto product.”

Folks tend to go with what they know… and that makes sense in a way because it seems like the easiest way to get started.

Unfortunately, taking the easy way out in the beginning only leads to a long uphill battle.


Spend the time learning how to compete in the Wealth niche… It doesn’t take long as long as you follow the L.D.T. Formula™ for affiliate marketing (which will be revealed in a future secret).

BECAUSE… Money is in Money

And if you want to make money, you have to do what makes money.

I’ll reveal secret #3 tomorrow morning…

In the meantime, if you want to skip ahead, click here to log in to the Free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge and go through lessons 1-8, which I have already created for you.


Secret 3: This is What Holds Most People Back

You would probably love the opportunity to make big commissions in your spare time so you can have more freedom, right?

Here’s the truth…

In 11 years, I’ve seen one factor that holds most people back from achieving great success…

It’s a mindset thing…

Most people don’t want to be rich.

Sounds crazy right?

But the fact is, if you want great things, you have to do great things…

And unfortunately, most folks simply aren’t willing to take the risks associated with starting an affiliate marketing business…

Sure, they might START a side hustle.

But far too often, they give up and return to their “stinky oasis.”

This “stinky oasis” is the place where your life is just good enough NOT to suck…

But I believe you want better…

Affiliate Marketing gives you the chance to live a better life…

There is a much better oasis waiting for you…

…and I’m offering you the map so you can get there…

You can find this roadmap to the “much better oasis” outlined in my Free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Click the link above to leave the “stinky oasis.”


Secret 4: 7 Streams of Income is B.S.

Keep it simple…

I don’t know which marketer was the first to popularize the phrase “millionaires have 7 streams of income.”

Here’s the truth…

In the beginning, focus on one…

…One affiliate product

……One Funnel

That’s it!!

This is the easiest path to 10k per month (I’ve done it multiple times with multiple simple, streamlined campaigns).

Because focusing on one product and one funnel forces you to put 100% of your efforts towards scaling up your campaign.

So don’t overcomplicate things…

Focus on one thing and go all in!

If you want to know the easiest products to start with as a new affiliate (so you can succeed twice as fast), check out my Free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge, where I show you exactly what to promote in the beginning.

Click the link above to K.I.S.S. and start generating income online.


Secret 5: Saturation is a Myth

Trust the market (saturation is a myth)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had new affiliates tell me “Brian, I don’t want to promote (Product X) because there are so many people promoting it and I feel like the market is saturated”


There are 2 major problems with this statement…

☝️ First, the market is GIGANTIC and is NOT saturated.  You may feel like “everyone” is promoting a product because social media is serving you videos based on your interest…

But what you have to remember is that your social media feed looks completely different from my social media feed.  And my feed looks completely different than my wife’s feed (and so on…)

So there is always a new group of folks waiting to see your videos about an excellent affiliate offer.

✌️ Second, saturation is actually a good thing.  What beginners view as saturation, experts view as the “market being educated at scale”

If you see a product with a buzz, you want to jump in because it’s so much easier to ride the wave than to create it.

This is the exact method of product/niche selection that I teach inside of the Free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge because it works…and it’s simple…and it gives you a wide range of successful campaigns to model (making your job easier).

This method of finding products works so incredibly well…I’ve been using this method of 7 years now.

For example:

In 2016 I saw a buzz brewing in the Shopify/Dropshipping space.  So I started promoting Shopify’s affiliate program.

I quickly made $200,000 in commissions with Shopify…

In addition to the front end commissions, I grew a HUGE email list lighting fast (because of the buzz) which led to my first $50,000 month in my first year.

Shortly after that…

I tested this strategy again when I saw every marketer under the sun email me about a new product.  (The Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi launch of KBB).  

So I bought the course…

Learned the course in 2 days…

And I promoted the launch…

Then, within 10 days I made $33,000 in profit 👍

The strategy works.

In 2020 I discovered Legendary Marketer and quickly added another 400K+ to my business…

Now I focus on teaching others the same strategy…


I focus on providing the same opportunity through my affiliate program (which is free to join).

So if you want to make money promoting a proven product that allows you to grow a huge email list by giving away a free course on the front end…

>> Click here to join the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge so you can learn how to do affiliate marketing…and so you can become an approved affiliate and start today.


Secret 6: Funnels Are Your Friend

To the untrained eye…funnels look like a way to collect email addresses from leads…

And they are

And growing your email list is the #1 thing you can do in order to create a sustainable business that brings you consistent profits month after month after month.

But funnels do much more than just collect emails…

A properly built funnel becomes your Automated Conversion System meaning you DO NOT have to talk to people in order to get them to buy your products.

Quite simply, if you want automated income, you need a funnel

Because funnels preframe leads (so they are more receptive to buying)…

…funnels presell your offers

.,….funnels overcome objections and set expectations

………funnels follow up with potential leads (so more people buy)

I’ve been using funnels in some shape and form in EVERY SINGLE affiliate marketing campaign since 2016.

And as you may know…I created a pair of DONE FOR YOU FUNNELS that you can deploy today…

So if you want to leverage pre-made funnels in order to launch a proper affiliate marketing business today…click the link below:

Click here to upgrade your 90 MAC account and get access to 2 Done For You Funnels that have quite literally generated over 7 figures for other affiliates.


Secret 7: Succeed Faster with L.D.T.™

Simply use the L.D.T. Formula™ for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a simple business model.

✅ Get your link

✅ Attract people who are likely to be interested in the product you are promoting

✅ Build a bit of trust

✅ Recommend the product

✅ Get paid a commission 

And the L.D.T. Formula™ allows you to attract, connect, and get paid in one easy motion…

L.D.T. stands for Learn – Do – Teach

Here’s the straightforward path to profits for you…

Step 1. Go through the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge and Learn Affiliate Marketing

Step 2. Share what you are learning on Social Media (nothing is too small)

…for example, if you learn how to get an affiliate link, share it. 

……if you learn how to create a Hook, Story, Offer script for your TikTok videos, share it

Show folks the steps to make money (just like you are learning in the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge) and you will naturally attract folks who want to learn more (so they can make money).

Because you built trust with them (by teaching them something you just learned) they will be likely to take your recommendation.

So all you need to do at this point is tell them how they can learn more (and that’s when they click your affiliate link and YOU get paid when they invest)

If this sounds overly simplified…that’s because it’s simple.

The hard part is actually getting started.

>>Click here in order to get started

(I explain everything in detail inside of the free challenge)


Secret 8: The Gateway to Riches

Affiliate Marketing is the Gateway to a lifetime of financial freedom.

It’s true…

You don’t have to be an Affiliate Marketer forever…

But affiliate marketing is certainly the easiest way to start earning income online WHILE you learn digital marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is the ONLY business model that allows you to EARN WHILE YOU LEARN.

Once you learn the marketing skills you need to drive traffic online and convert cold leads into buyers, the world becomes your oyster.

You can literally do anything you want…and make money.

Countless men & women have started as affiliate marketers and gone on to create successful physical products businesses, ecom stores, consulting practices, and agencies.  

The fact is, if you want to start a business or side hustle online…you MUST learn marketing.

Marketing is the high-income skill that allowed me to quit my job in the restaurant industry…

Marketing is the high-income skill that allows me to set up automated campaigns so vacations pay for themselves (while I’m on vacation)…

And because marketing is the high-income skill that can change your life forever…

…I created a 100% Free Course that gives you the step-by-step blueprint to start earning with affiliate marketing.

>> Click here to Earn While You Learn


Brian Brewer Strategies

In this section, I’ll explain Brian Brewer’s strategies for earning high-ticket commissions, including organic and paid traffic sources.

1. Online Courses

Money comes from other people. So, to make money online, you must be where most people are: Google, YouTube, or social media platforms.

Since Brian’s blog ventures (Google) didn’t go as he expected, he turned to YouTube. That’s how he made over $200k in commissions from Shopify—he created a vast record of tutorial videos targeting people who wanted to sell online, including eCommerce stores, and directed them to a Shopify course he had on Udemy through a link in the description.

Brian Brewer Udemy bio

Needless to say, his Udemy course showed the potential of Shopify as an eCommerce platform, and when his highly targeted traffic clicked his affiliate link and purchased a Shopify plan, he earned a commission.

2. YouTube & Short-Form Content

Following his success as a Shopify affiliate, he started promoting Legendary Marketer’s 15 Day Challenge through a new YouTube channel, Becoming Legendary.

Brian Brewer Becoming Legendary YouTube channel

In the description of every video, you’ll find links to his 2-page bridge funnel or Facebook group.

More or less at the same time, short-form content was becoming a buzz. By creating 15-second videos on TikTok (and later on Facebook Reels and YouTube Shorts), he directed targeted traffic to:

  1. His YouTube channel, where he had more detailed educational content on Legendary Marketer and online marketing. As a bonus, this also increased subscribers, allowing him to monetize his YouTube videos.
  2. His 2-page funnel, where he warmed up potential leads before sending them to Legendary Marketer’s landing page.
Brian Brewer TikTok Affiliate Escape Plan page

When someone purchases the $5 5 Day Challenge (the new version of the 15 Day Challenge), they’re immediately Brian’s lead for life. After that, Legendary’s sales team does the rest of the work through newsletters, contacts, engaging emails, and more. If they happen to purchase a high-ticket product later on, Brian still earns a commission (which can go as high as $1000).

That’s the beauty of high-ticket affiliate marketing.

3. Facebook Group

Brian is not in the business only for the money. He’s in to educate people on online marketing as well, whether through changing your mindset about money and abundance, the way you approach marketing, the congruence of your overall messaging, and basically how to become a better person in this online world where we see many people being scammed through shady programs.

Brian Brewer Facebook Group Affiliate Marketing and Passive Income

So, he created his Facebook group (counting 31k members to date) to create a hub where he could answer people’s queries and join like-minded folks. In it, he also shares training videos, including technical stuff, so that you can feel at home.

And as you might expect, he directs the group members to his free training and premium course (which includes his bi-weekly live coaching calls via Zoom).

4. Evolved Marketing Podcast

More recently, Brian Brewer joined hands with Andrei Yermejev, another affiliate who’s seen great success with Legendary Marketer. Together, they created the Evolved Marketing Podcast, where they talk about everything related to affiliate marketing and making money online.

They also interview many successful affiliates to share their journey and discuss their struggles and successes.

While the podcast doesn’t earn him commissions, he’s getting the word out, making himself known in the podcast community, which, ultimately, leads to more “Brian Brewer” searches on the Internet.

5. Retargeting Ads

Up until now, all the traffic sources Brian uses are organic. However, he’s also using more advanced strategies like retargeting ads on Facebook.

When people go to Brian’s funnel, not all buy immediately. With a Facebook tracking pixel in his funnel, Brian can automatically show retargeting ads only for those people on Facebook.

By implementing this strategy for a few dollars daily, he can incentive people to return to his funnel and continue the process until they buy. Needless to say, you must have some budget to apply retargeting ads—that’s why they’re the last resort strategy.

Brian Brewer Affiliate Marketer’s Secret Weapon

The 2-page bridge funnel is, in Brian’s own words, the affiliate marketer’s secret weapon.

Instead of sending traffic directly to his affiliate link, he uses a 2-page funnel to collect people’s email addresses. 

  1. First Page: Simply introduces Brian and collects emails.
  2. Second Page: Warms the potential lead to the offer they will see next (the vendor page).

First, Brian introduces himself.

Brian Brewer bridge funnel live the laptop lifestyle

After clicking the “Start Now!” button, you’re prompted with a popup. Brian collects your email address which will be added to an email marketing automation software, where he can follow up with you.

Brian Brewer bridge funnel collecting emails

In the second page of the bridge funnel, Brian gives you a small introduction to the product he’s promoting, including some testimonials. Both buttons contain affiliate links to the said product.

Brian Brewer second page bridge funnel

If you want a detailed breakdown of the 2-page bridge funnel, check out my free High-Ticket Affiliate Blueprint ebook, where I dissect this funnel through my own example that I modeled after Brian’s.

Now that Brian has people’s email addresses, he can follow up with them, motivating them to take action and do what they initially intended to do—make money online!

Not everyone takes action immediately, and sometimes we must go through tons of emails and videos to finally say, “This is it!” And because Brian is here for the long run, you’ll always have the motivation you need to go forward. It’s only a matter of when.

And just like everything else, the secret to attaining your goals is to be consistent and never give up. Keep learning always, and remember to Learn, Do, and Teach.

Brian Brewer Affiliate Marketing FAQs

Who is Brian Brewer?

Brian Brewer has been an independent affiliate marketer since 2012, earning over a million dollars in commissions. As a former waiter in a restaurant, Brian discovered the power of affiliate marketing as a legitimate business model to attain the life he dreamt of.

Drawing from his own journey, he is now committed to teaching you about affiliate marketing. His training program gives you a clear, easy-to-follow sequence of steps similar to the ones he used to achieve financial success. Believe it or not, his path is one that anyone can venture onto—it’s just a matter of gaining the right knowledge and resources.

What affiliate marketing tools does Brian Brewer use?

In his own business, Brian Brewer uses sales funnels, email marketing software, and social media accounts—that’s basically it.

Where do I start to achieve Brian Brewer’s level of success?

If you want to follow in the footsteps of one of the top affiliates in the space, you must join Legendary Marketer’s 5 Day Challenge as he did. This training will give you the building blocks for a successful online business in the modern era.

To follow up with that, enroll in Brian’s free course, the 90-Minute Affiliate Challenge, where he dives deeper into his methodology, mindset, and frameworks.


If you want financial freedom and enjoy a better life without much hassle dealing with bosses, clients, fulfillment, and customer service, then affiliate marketing is the best side business model you can choose. Brian Brewer is proof of that, as well as countless others.

However, the quality of Brian’s educational and coaching program and his ongoing motivation make him stand out from the majority of affiliate marketers. Being such a relatable guy, it’s no wonder many feel drawn to him (just like I did years ago).

If you’re already making money online, Brian Brewer’s training will definitely help you make even more money through other gateways.

Get access to Brian Brewer by joining the free 90-Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Vaslou is a passionate digital creator and blogger who loves to explore unique paths to generate online income.

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