Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Escape Plan Review (AEP 2.0) by an Active Member

Brian Brewer's Affiliate Escape Plan Review

This post may contain affiliate links for some products I might recommend. If you purchase anything through those links, I may earn a commission, which helps this blog run. Learn more in my privacy policy.

If you’re reading this Affiliate Escape Plan Review, chances are you already went through the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge by Brian Brewer.

Am I right? If not, you can join the challenge here.

And now you’re wondering whether to join AEP 2.0 or not. I get it.

Inside the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge free course, Brian already gave you a sneak peek inside his Affiliate Escape Plan premium course.

Being an AEP 2.0 member, I’ve got access to everything inside this course, including Brian’s complimentary bi-weekly free coaching calls.

With that in mind, I’ll break down all modules and everything you need to know about Brian Brewer’s Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0.

IMPORTANT: Brian is always updating AEP 2.0 to ensure he delivers the best value possible. For this reason, this review may not be as up-to-date as the actual course.

But before we start, let’s see who Brian Brewer is and why you should listen to him.

Who Is Brian Brewer

Brian Brewer in his studio

Brian Brewer is a seven-figure affiliate marketer eager to share his experience.

He realized the possibilities of online marketing in 2012, and thanks to affiliate marketing, he was able to resign from his work in 2016, leaving his restaurant business behind.

Brian has made over $200,000 promoting Shopify. And recently, he surpassed the $400,000 mark with the Legendary Marketer affiliate program.

Brian Brewer 4x platinum

This is not child’s play.

Brian’s work is marked by honesty and consistency that few marketers can match. And I’ve been following him for over two years now.

Everything he puts his mind to, he will eventually succeed. That’s why he’s so sure of himself when he shares his information, as in the Affiliate Escape Plan course.

What I appreciate the most about Brian Brewer is that he’s completely open about what he does, in contrast to many Facebook affiliate marketing “gurus” who sell directly to their online “friends” within their groups.

Brian is a down-to-earth, approachable, and direct individual who genuinely cares about your success. Furthermore, he enjoys teaching, as evidenced by all of his YouTube videos and trainings.

I’ve never heard somebody explain so clearly the strategies, procedures, techniques, approaches, and mechanisms that he employs in his own business for others to emulate. Everything is out in the open for anyone who wants to learn and apply what they’ve learned.

What Is The 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge Free Course

Brian Brewer 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge

The 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge is a free nine-lesson course that teaches you online marketing abilities that can change your life.

This free course is like an introduction to his premium course, Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0.

Although free, it’s jam-packed with valuable information.

Brian openly admits that his primary transparent goal is to provide you with so much value and information that you’re blown away so that if you ever decide to go all-in with affiliate marketing and are searching for a course to promote, you’ll consider Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0.

He’s using the oldest trick in the book: showing you that he can help you by actually helping you.

Read my in-depth review of the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

What Is Affiliate Escape Plan (AEP) 2.0

Affiliate Escape Plan Logo

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 is a step-by-step affiliate marketing training video course that teaches you how to develop an online business by promoting third-party products or services.

More precisely, Brian shows you how to create a following on platforms like YouTube and TikTok and how to promote relevant offers to them and convert them.

The initial version of the course was made available for free in 2020. Brian did, however, update it, adding additional knowledge and transforming it into a premium course (hence the 2.0).

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 includes:

  • The core training of 5 modules and 28 videos.
  • And five great Bonuses.

Let’s dive in!

90 Minute Affiliate Challenge Banner

What’s Inside Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0

Welcome to Brian Brewer's Affiliate Escape Plan 20

In this section, I’ll break down AEP 2.0 into as many details as possible, ensuring that nothing is overlooked.

AEP 2.0 Core Training

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 core training includes 5 modules:

  • Phase 1 – Your First $100K.
  • You Are Your Own 1st Avatar.
  • Mindset, Motivation, and Momentum.
  • (Intro to Retargeting Ads) Conversion Optimization & Omnipresence.
  • Automated Conversations at Scale.

Phase 1 – Your First $100K

Affiliate Escape Plan Phase 1

This is the heart of the course. It’ll take you some time to go through it and digest it, but it will be worthwhile in the end.

Lesson 1 – Crossing the Valey

Affiliate Escape Plan inside

Brian begins with a brief introduction in which he discusses the advantages of affiliate marketing. He then moves on to the major point of this class, showing you a map of the emotional cycles of change.

These emotional cycles of change outline the stages people go through when trying to make money online, starting an online business, or, more specifically, trying affiliate marketing:

  1. They start with uninformed optimism.
  2. Then begin having informed pessimism.
  3. They hit bottom in the valley of despair.
  4. If they stick to it, they start getting informed optimism.
  5. And finally hit success.

Brian goes through all stages in great detail. And his mission is to help you get through the valley of despair. That’s when things get tough, and we feel like quitting.

Brian’s recommendation is for you to commit to a particular path and go all-in.

Lesson 2 – Why Affiliate Marketing

The purpose of this course is to bring you absolute clarity and absolute certainties. In this lesson, Brian will prove to you that affiliate marketing is the way to go when it comes to making money online.

He demonstrates the five aspects of any business, one of which is marketing. We can use existing companies with proven products that convert and start making money without the stress of the other business components by focusing solely on the marketing aspect of the business.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Lesson 3 – Choosing Your Niche & Finding The Best Products To Promote

In a nutshell, Brian recommends choosing one of the three evergreen niches:

  • Health.
  • Wealth.
  • Love/Relationships.

These niches are evergreen because people will always be interested in at least one of them, no matter where they are in life.

This indicates that there is sufficient demand for solutions to problems that develop in those niches.

He also teaches you how to select the best brands to partner with so you can promote their products and see massive results.

Lesson 4 – Congruency in Copy & Messaging for Success

Brian states that this is one of the most essential lessons in the entire course because it’s when things start to fall apart for most people.

He explains the three phases of any affiliate marketing campaign:

  • Attraction & Introduction.
  • Conversion Sequence.
  • Sale.

And for these phases to work together, there must be congruency throughout all the campaign.

You, as the affiliate marketer, only control the first two phases. Your partner does the last one — you don’t make the sale, your partner does.

So, Brian suggests that you start with the end in mind:

  • Study the product you’re promoting (buy it if necessary).
  • Create your conversion sequence and attraction with messaging you extract from the product.

You’re taking people on a journey. And the only way to keep folks on board is for the entire process to be consistent. This way, they won’t be as confused, and they’ll be more likely to take your advice (because it made sense from the beginning).

A confused buyer doesn’t buy.

This works for any product you might think of.

Lesson 5 – The 6-Figure Framework for Converting Leads

In this lesson, Brian will teach you step by step how to build your simple 2-page website, also referred to as a bridge page. This video is not to be missed as he goes through all the essential elements and teaches you how to clone the whole framework.

Brian has been optimizing his 6-figure framework throughout the years and is handing it out to you on a silver platter.

You’ll get access to his funnels, scripts, email follow-ups, and a step-by-step instruction video. However, to implement all that, you’ll need a ClickFunnels account and an email marketing account. Brian has included his (affiliate) links for all of that in this lesson so you can get started right away.

I modeled Brian’s clone page for my high-ticket affiliate marketing business if you want to check it out. Besides, not everyone is willing to invest in ClickFunnels, as it is a bit expensive for beginners. That’s why I’m giving you an (almost) free alternative to ClickFunnels that you can clone.

One key point to remember is that this framework is most commonly used for affiliate products with a sales video or webinar on the sales page. However, if, for example, you’re promoting a web hosting platform, having this framework in place isn’t necessary; in this situation, starting a blog makes more sense.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Lesson 6 – Traffic & Omnipresence

This lesson is about leveraging the internet and social media to bring traffic to your offers. You do this by creating omnipresence.

One key element throughout Brian’s teaching is not to over-complicate things. The color of your affiliate link does not matter, and no magic button color will make you a millionaire. I know this is hard for beginners, as they tend to over-complicate things (I sure did).

The internet gives you the ability to communicate at scale. So, communication is critical.

In this lesson, Brian focuses on getting traffic from platforms like TikTok to get people into your YouTube channel, Facebook group, and your bridge page.

Having a YouTube channel and a Facebook group is non-negotiable for Brian Brewer because this is what eventually leads to exponential growth. Mastering these two platforms led him to his success, alongside his framework.

Ultimately, you want people to go to your bridge page. All your content on YouTube and Facebook group forwards people there. However, getting people to these two platforms is not always easy.

That’s why Brian recommends creating content in what he calls a low-hanging fruit opportunity like TikTok.

Tiktok, Facebook Reels, Instagram Reels, and YouTube shorts are all low-hanging fruit opportunities right now because you can get an impressive amount of reach just with a single video. That’s why this short-form content is excellent to seed your YouTube channel or Facebook group.

Brian goes on to explain the three words that made him a multiple 6-figure affiliate marketer:

  1. Learn.
  2. Do.
  3. Teach.

You just have to learn the product you want to promote and start teaching little snippets. If your audience wants to learn more, you just forward them to your bridge page, where they can invest in that information. In other words, you make them invest in themselves.

If someone doesn’t believe in themselves, they won’t invest in something that might improve their lives, no matter what. That’s why affiliate marketing is making people believe in themselves. And when they invest through your affiliate link, you earn a commission — it’s as simple as that.

Lesson 7 – (Strategic with Social) Take What It Gives You

In this lesson, Brian examines the social media platforms he uses, explains how you should approach each of them, and how they behave over time.

Because not every social media platform is made equal, you need to know how to leverage each one.

It’s worth noting that Brian takes into account your email list in this course, as it’s free traffic that you can control.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Lesson 8 – (Strategic with Social) YouTube (How To Tame The 800 Pound Gorilla)

According to Brian, nothing is more powerful than YouTube when it comes to creating content. And when we start, it’s like fighting an 800-pound gorilla.

As transparent as he can be, Brian tells you in detail how he started on YouTube. His main advice is not to get hung up on production quality. Just start with whatever equipment you have!

And if you’re consistent and help people, you’ll start riding your wave to success.

He delineates the three types of content he does on YouTube and how he finds content ideas to work on.

Lesson 9 – (Strategic with Social) TikTok (How To Go Viral & Grow Faster)

Currently, TikTok gives us an incredible opportunity to get massive reach even as a brand new account.

In this lesson, Brian will teach you some of the strategies he’s learned through testing to help you get the most reach and success on TikTok, including his formula for success.

This lesson is for those who are modeling success, doing everything right but still don’t see success.

It’s about your story and how you can leverage what’s unique to your life so you can be relatable. When people trust you and like you, you’ll build rapport, eventually leading to sales.

In this lesson, Brian talks about what gets people to buy, which is getting people emotionally involved. That’s how you convert leads into sales.

Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson is a free book that also talks about this concept. Brian references the book to show how your online business may help you develop a tribe.

When you’re the head of the tribe, and you instill confidence in your followers, they’re more inclined to buy what you’re offering.

If you want to make people believe in themselves, you don’t want to skip this lesson.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Brian refers to Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as one that helped him achieve success.

According to Brian, we’re not in the information business — we’re in the leadership business. That’s because we are not selling information — we are facilitating change. We are making our followers emotionally attached to us.

He deconstructs each habit or principle and explains how it pertains to affiliate marketing. This is a truly eye-opening lesson.

As in the previous lesson, Brian shares another inspiring book called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.

This lesson is more about developing a mindset that can work for you rather than against you and your dreams. As many motivational speakers say, you have to get away from your comfort zone to get ahead in life.

Also, remember that the path to success is not a straight line — it’s full of bumps.

When you go through Affiliate Escape Plan, you’ll notice that Brian recommends the 15 Day Challenge by Legendary Marketer.

Inside this challenge, there’s an opportunity to purchase Legendary Marketer’s Business Blueprints that cost $2,500 (on which you’ll get a $1,000 commission).

In this lesson, Brian shares some scripts that might help you overcome your leads’ objections when they’re on the fence about buying the Blueprints.

If you promote Legendary Marketer’s 15 Day Challenge, some of your leads might approach you in the future about the Blueprints and whether they should invest in them or not. And if you don’t know how to respond, these scripts might be able to help you out.

90 Minute Affiliate Challenge Banner

You Are Your Own 1st Avatar

Affiliate Escape Plan You Are Your Own First Avatar

Brian produced two brief lectures in this module to increase your awareness of where you should focus your marketing efforts.

You Are Your Own 1st Avatar

You have a huge marketing advantage in the “make money online” niche because you’re selling a product you’d buy yourself. This means you may explore within to find the most successful messaging for attracting and converting leads into consumers.

Identifying Your Ideal Customer

This exercise aims to help you focus your marketing efforts solely on your ideal customer. Don’t think about your product and forget about your qualifications and results. Concentrate on your client.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Mindset, Motivation, and Momentum

Affiliate Escape Plan Mindset Motivation and Momentum

In this module, Brian Brewer is on a mission of changing your mindset and motivating you to be your greatest version.

This module’s three exercises will help you adapt your mind to the things you want in life so you can begin building a better future with confidence and belief.

What is the significance of this? Because, as any billionaire knows, success is based on an 80/20 rule: 80% mentality and 20% skills. You can have all the skills in the world, but if your mind isn’t in the right place, you won’t succeed in life.

The Heart of Your Why (7 Layers Deep)

In this lesson, Brian will take you through an exercise he went through when he was part of a mastermind with Dean Graziosi.

It’s a powerful practice that will assist you in identifying your core motivation because there are always other motivational factors behind the desire for more money or achievement.

And when you begin peeling off these layers, you’ll start thinking and feeling about your true core motivation.

Once you’ve done that, it’ll be easier to stay on track in your business because frustration will not easily set in.

The Momentum Slingshot

This lesson reveals the tested 11-step process for gaining momentum in your life and career. These are eleven actionable steps you can follow to create momentum in your business.

This exercise aims to give you the tools you need to conquer any issue or obstacle and build tremendous positive momentum that will propel you to the next level of your life.

How To Achieve Anything

Brian will teach you a mindset hack he learned from Tony Robbins in this lesson.

He’ll help you build a compelling future that gives you the motivation, drive, and energy to take consistent action toward achieving your big goals.

You’ll learn a simple strategy that takes less than 1 minute each day and will help you achieve anything you want in life.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

(Intro to Retargeting Ads) Conversion Optimization & Omnipresence

Affiliate Escape Plan Intro to Retargeting Ads

This is one of Brian’s favorite modules in the Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 course.

Brian will show you how to achieve omnipresence and appear in front of your leads more frequently and more times. As you build trust and authority, you’ll be able to increase conversion and make customers more likely to buy.

About This Section

Brian starts this section by showing you the importance of achieving omnipresence. He’ll show you his personal strategies for building authority, creating omnipresence, and increasing conversions.

Facebook Retargeting Ads (Part 1) The Facebook Pixel

In this step-by-step tutorial, Brian demonstrates how to set up the Facebook Pixel on your funnel or website so you can retarget people who have already visited your funnel.

This way, everybody who visits your bridge page will be retargeted by Facebook, allowing you to reserve ads for them. It will help you expand your brand’s omnipresence.

Facebook Retargeting Ads (Part 2) Create Your Customer Audience

After you’ve set up the Facebook Pixel, Brian walks you through creating a custom retargeting audience, which allows you to tell Facebook who you want to advertise to.

Facebook Retargeting Ads (Part 3) Launching Your First Ad

Brian runs two basic types of ads for efficiency and effectiveness when starting any retargeting ad campaign.

In this lesson, he’ll take you behind the scenes and show you how he creates his Facebook advertising.

How To Simply “Show Up” Again and Again on YouTube & Google

This tutorial will take you inside Brian’s Google Ads dashboard to demonstrate his exact (yet incredibly basic) YouTube and Google retargeting strategy.

You’ll learn how to maintain omnipresence with pretty inexpensive advertising budgets so you can stay relevant. This way, you’ll stay in front of the people who’ve already shown interest in you and what you’re offering because they’ve watched your content.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

Automated Conversations at Scale

Simple Storytelling Formula

In this lesson, Brian will give you a simple storytelling formula that will help you craft better stories.

Stories abound, and they’re highly effective marketing tools. However, terrible stories do not attract attention or generate revenue. As a result, writing better stories will enable you to earn more money.

The rest of this module is still being upgraded. As soon as Brian releases it, I’ll update this article accordingly.

AEP 2.0 Extra Content

By now, I’ve covered the core training of Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0.

However, because Brian loves to share value with his audience, he created even more content to help you build your business.

He put together a few more modules, including:

  • 5 Massive Bonuses.
  • AEP 2.0 Group Coaching Replay.
  • Promote AEP 2.0 and The 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge ($1,000 commission).

AEP 2.0 Bonuses

By now, you’re probably aware that Brian Brewer enjoys sharing content. In this section, AEP 2.0 members have access to these massive bonuses.

Bonus 1 – Mastering Short Form Content

Brian Brewer and Sarah Ravel

This is a case study interview with Brian Brewer and Sarah Ravel, a young affiliate marketer who achieved success pretty quickly promoting Legendary Marketer.

Brian and Sarah met when they were both invited to participate as guest speakers at Legendary Marketer Mastermind in 2021.

Sarah set the record for the fastest person to go from $0 to $100K (in 90 days!) promoting Legendary Marketer, and she’s prepared a presentation for this interview to show how she did it.

Bonus 2 – How I Won the ClickFunnels Dream Car Award

This is the in-depth training that Brian created just for a joint venture product and lays down the crucial elements of the campaign that enabled him to earn the ClickFunnels Dream Car Award and rank among their Top 50 Affiliates the previous year.

Bonus 3- Affiliate Marketing Mastermind Replays (Full Year Access)

This section has 11 videos, each nearly 3 hours long (some over 3 hours).

It is an exclusive mastermind for Legendary Marketer Affiliates that was hosted for one year and was created to assist active Legendary Marketer Affiliates in taking their high-ticket affiliate business to the next level through group interaction and collaboration.

There’s so much information to take in here that it could take you months to absorb it all.

Bonus 4 – Brian Brewer’s Legendary Marketer 2021 Mastermind Presentation

This is a unique and exclusive replay from Legendary Marketer’s Mastermind in December 2021.

Attendees paid $4,500 (not including airfare and accommodations) to attend this event, held at a 5 Million Dollar mansion outside of Orlando, Florida.

AEP 20 Bonus Brian Brewer Legendary Marketer Mastermind replay

As the event’s final guest speaker, Brian gave a 2-hour presentation entitled “My 15 Principles of Marketing” that had never been seen before.

Take a seat and enjoy the show!

Bonus 5 – Content & Copy for Facebook Reels (5,000 Leads/Day Formula with Joshua Smith)

Josh Smith, a former AEP 1.0 student who now runs an affiliate business making $45,000 per month (and increasing), consented to reveal the Facebook Reels strategy that allowed him to create more than 5,000 free leads in a single day.

In this presentation, Joshua will teach you how to write copy that gets an endless flood of white-hot leads to your affiliate offers using Facebook Reels. He shares how he went from 0 to 115,000 followers, grew his email list to over 20,000 subscribers in his first 30 days, and average 22 front-end customers per day.

AEP 20 bonus Joshua Smith training

Here’s what you’re going to learn in this training:

  • How to create content by focusing on your copy that will generate tons of leads and sales.
  • The 2 styles of content that drive the Facebook algorithm crazy and prime you for explosive growth.
  • The KISS method for writing copy.
  • The “Double Down Effect” and how to double your content in half the time.
  • The one thing that separates Facebook Reels from other short-form content platforms that allows you to double or even triple the traffic to your affiliate offers.
90 Minute Affiliate Challenge Banner

AEP 2.0 Group Coaching Replay

Brian holds a Zoom coaching session open to all AEP 2.0 members every week or every two weeks. This is something not to be missed.

This section gives you access to the coaching session’s replay, which is available until the next one.

Each coaching session is like its own mini-course (1 hour long or more). You’ll be learning new techniques and will have the chance to ask any questions. Besides, everyone is so supportive of each other. These coaching calls are a great way to see what’s working right now.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

AEP 2.0 & The 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge Affiliate Program

Promote Affiliate Escape Plan 20

This module aims to teach you how to promote the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge and the AEP 2.0.

If someone registers for the 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge through your affiliate link, that lead will be tied to you for life. If they decide to purchase AEP 2.0, you’ll earn a 40% commission.

The best thing about this course is that you’ll learn how to promote any product. This way, you can practice promoting the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge and earn while you learn.

AEP 2.0 Affiliate Onboarding Call

This is a 1h17 zoom video call with AEP 2.0 members (you can actually see me there on video alongside other members).

Brian announced the free bi-weekly group coaching for the first time. He also demonstrated the various techniques we may use to promote the high-ticket AEP 2.0 affiliate program.

If you’re new to high-ticket affiliate marketing, check out my ultimate guide on high-ticket affiliate marketing and the best high-ticket affiliate programs you can start promoting with the knowledge you’ll gain with AEP 2.0.

Import & Install Your Bridge Page

In this lesson, he shows you step-by-step instructions on how to import and install the bridge page so you can promote Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0. He even gives you a script for your bridge page video.

This is a technical guide on adding tags to your affiliate links inside the AEP 2.0 affiliate dashboard.

Accessing Your Referrals’ Contact Info (Great for Follow Up)

Brian shows you how to view and download the contact information for your 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge referrals.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

14 Day First Sale Then Scale Challenge

This live challenge was created to assist you in earning your first AEP 2.0 commission as quickly as possible while also teaching you how to plan for the future growth of your business.

While the products and pricing may differ from what was addressed during the challenge, the ideas taught are universal and will almost probably apply to the current program (which has been optimized for conversions and commissions).

In this live challenge, Brian Brewer will take a small group of new affiliates by the hand and show them step-by-step…

  • How to start from scratch.
  • Make your first commission.
  • And then plan for scaling your business.

The last time Brian ran this challenge, 50% of the participants made a commission in the first 14 days.

How does the 14 Day First Sale Then Scale Challenge works?

Over 14 days, Brian will meet with a small group via Zoom four times to personally walk them through setting up their entire affiliate business…

And throughout the challenge, they will have access to ask Brian any questions they might have.

  • Zoom Call #1 – The offer and the front door (how to build your automated conversion system around a high converting affiliate product).
  • Zoom Call #2 – Fill Your Funnel with Free Traffic using L.D.T.™ and H-S-O.
  • Zoom Call #3 -Overcoming Objections and Destroying False Beliefs (What Has to Happen in Order to Get Folks to Buy From You).
  • Zoom Call #4 – Improve & Automate Your Messaging and then Plan for Scale.

Replays are available to all participants and AEP 2.0 members.

After 14 Days, you will have a fully functional affiliate marketing business (and hopefully your first affiliate commission under your belt, if not more).

Who is Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 For

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 is for people who are prepared to put in the effort and follow proven strategies.

And keep in mind that putting in the effort does not imply that you should limit your attention to the technical skills you will gain in this course. It also entails building a mindset that will push your abilities to new heights.

Remember that 80 percent of success is determined by mindset and just 20 percent by skills in any business.

Who is Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 Not For

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 is not for people who want:

  • A get-rich-quick scheme.
  • A sit back and do nothing type of income.

Brian will give you the clear, straightforward path that will work 100% of the time if you make that work. However, don’t confuse that with a guarantee of income.

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 Overview

If you’re still thinking about whether you should join AEP 2.0 or not, let me recap what you’ll get access to:

  • The Best Affiliate Marketing Education Available: You’ll learn the strategies and secrets from one of the most successful affiliate marketers working today when super affiliate Brian Brewer pulls back the curtain and shows the real way to make high-ticket commissions online.
  • DFY Templates, Tools, Scripts, and Swipes: If you want to promote the same killer offers Brian does, you can clone the exact funnels that have earned over $300,000 in revenue for himself (and hundreds of thousands for other affiliates as well).
  • Free Updates for Life: You won’t have to pay for updates ever again. Once you become a member of AEP 2.0, you are part of the family.
  • Participate in Special Live Training Sessions Through Zoom: Refine your promoting plan in light of what is currently becoming successful. Get exclusive, direct access to Brian so that you can ask questions and gain insight into the most effective strategies to promote the hottest, highest-converting affiliate offers on the market.
  • Save Money: Affiliate Escape Plan is expected to become one of the most significant and talked-about affiliate marketing education programs in the following years, according to Brian. Don’t get caught up in FOMO and miss out on the boat. Lock in the lowest price that will ever be offered.

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 Pricing

Affiliate Escape Plan 20 pricing

Affiliate Escape Plan costs a one-time fee of $997; only credit cards are accepted as payment.

Get started with AEP 2.0 or join the free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge.

What I Like About Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0

Like everything Brian does, AEP 2.0 provides a hands-on approach to high-ticket affiliate marketing that is second to none.

Once again, Brian’s methods are laid bare for everyone to learn from and practice. Nothing is kept a secret. Everything is right in front of you.

Brian enjoys sharing not only the technical components of promoting killer offers but also the mentality hacks that need to be tweaked and changed to succeed in this business. And this is one of the reasons I’ve been following him for over two years.

Everything Brian does is done with the intent of assisting you. Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 is yet another demonstration of this point. The only question is if you (and I) will take action and implement the strategies that can serve as our own social proof.

What I Don’t Like About Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0

There’s really anything I don’t like in AEP 2.0.

However, some people might find a few objections.

#1 Objection to Affiliate Escape Plan

Brian focuses too much on promoting the Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge.

Although true, remember that AEP 2.0 is an affiliate marketing training program. As a result, you’ll need an affiliate offer to make it profitable. And what better place to begin than the program that has been the driving force behind Brian’s enormous success?

You can read my in-depth review of the 15 Day Challenge and find out for yourself if it works for you or not.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to promote the 15 Day Challenge, you can promote Brian’s free course 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge and earn high-ticket commissions when someone enrolls in AEP 2.0.

The most important thing to remember is that to achieve results, you need a high-ticket offer. Whether you promote the 15 Day Challenge, AEP 2.0, or another offer is entirely up to you.

#2 Objection to Affiliate Escape Plan

I need ClickFunnels to promote affiliate products.

For most beginners, ClickFunnels might be expensive ($127/mo billed yearly). While it’s one of the best funnel builders on the market, there are cheaper alternatives.

I recommend that you start a WordPress blog for $2.59/mo with DreamHost and install the Elementor free plugin. Elementor allows you to create an endless number of funnels and integrate them with the autoresponder of your choice.

Learn how to start a blog with DreamHost.

As another alternative, you can use, an all-in-one marketing platform that includes funnels, an email marketing platform, business automation, and more features. Check out my detailed review.

However, if you think ClickFunnels has a faster learning curve and works best for you, go ahead and use it.

In the end, to make things work, we need tools. And tools cost money.

90 Minute Affiliate Challenge Banner

Recap & Wrapping It Up!

Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0 Course + Bi-Weekly Coaching includes:

  • Phase 1 Module: Your First 100K.
  • Nailing Your Avatar & Building Momentum.
  • Facebook & YouTube Retargeting Ads Training.
  • Automated Conversations at Scale.
  • $0 to $100K in 100 Days (Case Study).
  • How to Win the ClickFunnels Dream Car Award.
  • Affiliate Mastermind Replays.
  • Content & Copy for Facebook Reels.
  • My 15 Principles of Marketing (Do This and the Money Will Take Care of Itself).
  • AEP Affiliate Resources and Training.
  • Unlimited Bi-Weekly Coaching for the Life of the Program.

Total Value: $20,955.

Get AEP 2.0 for $997 One-Time-Only.

I hope this Affiliate Escape Plan Review provided you with enough information to understand its contents.

By now, you should be armored with enough information to decide for yourself if AEP 2.0 is the right opportunity for you or not.

If you haven’t done it already, join the Free 90 Minute Affiliate Challenge and learn from Brian himself about the potential of Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0.

However, if you’re in a hurry, get started with Affiliate Escape Plan 2.0.

Vaslou is a passionate digital creator and blogger who loves to explore unique paths to generate online income.

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